Greenvale Primary School
Please report all absences through the Parentmail absence link or leave a voicemail on the answer machine. All absences should be reported by 9am
Please report all absences through the Parentmail absence link or leave a voicemail on the answer machine. All absences should be reported by 9am
Friday 4th April
Last day of term
Nursery will finish at normal home time.
Year's R - 4 1pm finish
Friday 21st March
Wear Red to School day!
11th & 12th March
Parents evening for year groups R-4
Booking online details to follow
Friday 7th March
Individual Pupil Photos
Thursday 6th March
We will be celebrating this with a dance workshop for Reception – Year 4.
We will be spending the day focusing on the books ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and ‘The Day the Crayons came Home’ by Oliver Jeffers.
We are asking for children to come to school in crayon colours on Thursday 6th March (they will be doing their Dance Workshops in this outfit so it needs to be suitable for exercising in and trainers are fine). Children can also bring their favourite books to school on this day (please ensure they are named) as there will be an opportunity in the day for children to share these books with their friends.
27th February
Author visiting the school