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After-School Clubs

At Greenvale Primary School, extra-curricular and enrichment activities play an essential part in enhancing the educational experience of all of our children.

We are committed to developing the whole child as part of our school ethos. We aim to nurture inquisitive and engaged learners who have a thirst for knowledge.

We promote and value not just academic achievement, but student involvement, enthusiasm and personal development.

Types of clubs we are offering from September are:

Homework Club (Yrs 3 & 4)

Art Club (Yrs 1-4)

Chatham TownFootball Club (Yrs 1-4)

Strive PE & Sport

Strive (Multiskills) are here on a Wednesday after school teaching the children different sports and skills each week. The sessions are £2.00 per week but you pay for the term. The link to register for Strive is:


MFSE After School Service at Phoenix Primary School

We have also linked up with Phoenix Primary School and MFSE wrap-around care should you require a longer session for an after-school club for parents that work. 

MFSE have a walking bus service from ourselves to Phoenix at home time of 3.15pm to take the children to the MSFE club. They will provide a snack or cold meal as part of the price.

This service needs to be booked direct with MFSE: 

The details are:

The link for booking with MFSE is:

Tel no: 07387667546
