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School Meals

From April 2023 our catering suppliers are The Contract Dining Company (CDC).

They offer the children a range of freshly cooked, hot midday meals that are freshly cooked here on site.  The Governing Body and staff at Greenvale have spent time ensuring that CDC are a company who can provide high quality food using the freshest local produce for our children.


Under new legislation brought in on 14th December 2014, food providers are obliged to have available information on possible allergens in the food that is being served.  If this is something that concerns you or your child, please contact the school office who will provide this information to you.  If there is anything that you would like added to your child's records relating to food allergens, please let the school office know who will pass this information through to the kitchen staff. 

Due to current allergens in school, we are not able to allow the following food in school:



Dinner Menu

The up-to-date dinner menu can be found below, and a paper copy is available in the school office.

Please beware that if the school is closed for whatever reason, i.e. a bank holiday or an emergency closure. The dinner on offer on the first day back will always be the Monday option for that week. This is due the fact that school was closed, and the meat could not be defrosted in a safe manner for that days lunch.



Free School Meals

All school meals provided by us here at Greenvale are provided FREE OF CHARGE.  The Government currently offer all children that are infant school aged (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) a free school meal daily. 

Children in Years 3 and above will need to pay for their meal unless they are classed as a Pupil Premium Child. The cost for a school dinner is £2.43 per day. 

All school dinners are to be booked online via the Parentmail.

School Dinners

The Contract Dining Company provide us with a wide range of school dinner options that change from week to week, and from term to term.  This is reviewed regularly by the school and menus can be collected from the school office.

Please see the latest menu at the bottom of the page.

Packed Lunches

We also offer children the option of bringing in a packed lunch from home.  Children who would rather bring in a packed lunch will eat their dinner in the school hall at the same time as their classmates who have chosen to have a school dinner.

We ask that parents are mindful of the following guidelines when preparing a healthy packed lunch for their child:

  • Sandwich, wrap, bagel, pasta and crackers
  • Fruit, vegetables and salad
  • Crisps
  • Biscuit / Snack bar
  • Yoghurt
  • Non carbonated drink, i.e water, juice

We do not allow children to bring in sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolate and nuts.

If you have any questions or would like some advice on what to put in your child's packed lunch, please speak with your child's class teacher.

Our packed lunch guide is available as a pdf further down the page.

Our School Council met to discuss what their friends might like to put into their lunchboxes - you can find their suggestions here.